His Truth Ministries


Nancy has written and published two books that are available either through

His Truth Ministries, Amazon.com, or book stores such as Barnes & Noble or any Christian book store.  Shown here are the goals of each book and links to bible studies and lectures as presented at churches and bible study groups.  To order either book from our ministry click here.

Why God Lets People Suffer

This book has three goals. In it are interwoven the Bible and people’s lives to show that the Bible is a trustworthy handbook for living. Helping people know God and to trust Him in the midst of a world filled with suffering is the second goal. The source of joy in suffering that the apostles knew came from knowing God and trusting Him. In understanding His purposes for our suffering, we learn God really is there through it all. The third goal is the as we learn what the Scriptures say about suffering we learn about God, about ourselves and how to live as His children.  The outline of the book is given HERE.

Building Trust: God, Our Father and Role Model

This book has been revised and just published.  This book examines who our Father is, how we can be more like Him, and how we can parent our children as He parents us.  Each chapter is headed by a Bible verse. Through this book, the reader will grow closer to God in learning what it means to have God as our Father.  The readers will also learn to rely on Him for guidance in their parenting.  Included in the book for each chapter are both application and Bible study questions for further growth and study.  The outline of the book is given HERE.